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Aero Engine Asia Pacific
September 20-22, 2022

Aero-Engines: USM & Retirements

  • Thursday, September 22, 2022:10:45 AM - 11:30 AM
  • Room: Peridot 205-206


What are the expectations surrounding retirements and teardowns and what is the projected impact on USM pricing and availability? What impact is the conflict in Ukraine having on the market? How robust are OEM new parts supply chains and is uncertainty driving an increase in utilising USM to reduce turn around times? Are operator and lessor views shifting around use of used materials?

    Colin Gregory
    VP Sales, Asia & Pacific Region
    Michael Lotzin
    Head of Surplus Management & Alternative Material Solutions Engines
    Lufthansa Technik
    Mike Stengel
    AeroDynamic Advisory
    Sean Kim
    General Manager Southeast Asia and South APAC Region
    GE Aviation
    Simon Wilks
    RSM, Airlines & Fleets
    StandardAero, APAC