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Mototok International GmbH

Booth: 229

Contact This Exhibitor

  • Krefeld, 
  • Germany

Company Description

Our electrical towbarless aircrafts tractors are increasing the efficiency & safety in your operations in the hangar & on the apron. Mototok is the specialist for wireless remote controlled towbarless aircraft tractors in the world. You want to increase your available space in your hangar? For operating our tugs there is no need of a special driver licence. This saves staff cost and waiting time. Your hangar is to short for next generation aircrafts? With a Mototok tug you can save length enormous while towing and in front of the aircraft. The Mototok is under the nose of the aircraft and can tow up to 200 t. We should be your first choice. BOEING, AIRBUS, BritishAirways, Joramco, Linetech and much more MRO`s are using us every day!