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MRO Asia-Pacific
September 27-28, 2023

Opening Panel Session: Engage with Regional Dynamics and Key Developments

  • Tuesday, September 26, 2023:10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
  • Room: Peridot 201-203


With current geo-political developments, the global situation remains uncertain. How has this changed maintenance trends and strategies? How will the re-opening of China affect the supply chain? Is this market coming back as anticipated and what traffic trends are we seeing? Can we expect more ambitious steps to be forthcoming and how will the MROs respond? Is there enough capacity? Is there a circuit breaker to change or improve strategies so we don't keep repeating the same mistakes and suffering from delays? What adjustments are the OEMs making to respond to airline needs?

    Gerald Steinhoff
    Chief Commercial Officer
    H.E. Sarah McGrath
    Ambassador of Ireland to Singapore
    Embassy of Ireland, Singapore
    Kean Shuh Foo
    EVP of Operations and Chief Sustainability Officer
    SIA Engineering Company
    Lee Ann Shay
    Executive Editor, Business Aviation and MRO
    Aviation Week Network
    Mahesh Kumar
    Asia Digital Engineering (ADE)