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MRO Asia-Pacific
September 27-28, 2023

SAF: More Challenge than Solution?

  • Wednesday, September 27, 2023:10:00 AM - 10:40 AM
  • Room: Peridot 201-203


To lower emissions, the industry needs alternatives to fossil fuels. As we consider Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF), cost and infrastructure challenges are significant. What will we realistically have in place in five years and how will this be achieved? How will LCCs commit to SAF and where will the investment come from? Understanding the cost of Sustainable Aviation Fuel and how we may be able to bridge the gap.

    Aakash Bhatnagar
    VP Flight Operations- Support
    Abhi Bhuchar
    Head of Consumer and Industrials, South East Asia, and Energy and Natural Resources, Asia Pacific
    Oliver Wyman
    Cyrille Schwob
    Head of Research and Technology Development APAC
    Airbus Singapore
    Ee Pin Lee
    Key Account Manager, APAC Renewable Aviation
    Neste Asia Pacific
    Jacqueline Lam
    Regional Lead for Sustainability Policy and Partnerships- Southeast Asia
    Boeing International
    Rahul Shah
    SVP Strategic Growth, Business Development Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa