Mrs Amiranorkisza is the Director of Trainingfor APR-Aviation Training Centre and theGeneral Manager (Economics Division) for APRGroup of Companies.
After attaining her Bachelor's Degree inElectrical and Electronics Engineering from
Universiti Putra Malaysia
(UPM), MrsAmiranorkisza started her career with aninternational manufacturing company in thecapacity of a Quality Control and QualityAssurance Engineer. The position entailed anactive involvement in the aspect of productquality, and a role in customer relations interms of product development.
Mrs Amiranorkisza joined APR-AviationTraining Centre in 2013. With her engineeringbackground, she held the position of TraineeEngineer before being appointed ProgrammeManager for APR-Aviation Training Centre,where her line of work entails coordinatingaviation training programmes and courses forthe company, as well as accommodating to theaviation industry's training needs.
In her role as Programme Manager, she wasresponsible for overseeing the TechnicalTraining division of the company to monitorand maintain the high standards of aircraftmaintenance training services delivered bythe company, in compliance with the rulesand regulations set by the Civil AviationAuthority of Malaysia (CAAM).
In 2022, Mrs Amiranorkisza was appointedthe Director of Training for the company. Inthis role, she has worked to implement newbusiness development strategies to respondto the growing needs of the aviation industry,such as supplying manpower for aircraftmaintenance organisations locally andabroad.
She has also established new strategicpartnerships with key aviation industryplayers both locally and regionally to propelAPR-Aviation Training Centre as the leadingaircraft maintenance training provider in thecountry, and plans to expand the company'sbusiness to new heights in the future.