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MRO Asia-Pacific
September 24-26, 2024

Aging Aircraft- Strategies for Cost-Effective Maintenance and Fleet Management

  • Tuesday, September 24, 2024:3:00 PM - 3:45 PM
  • Room: Peridot 201-203


As airlines grapple with extended wait times for new aircraft, part shortages, and rising maintenance costs, the focus shifts to managing mature fleets effectively. This session explores the mindset and philosophy shift required coupled with practical approaches for maintaining older aircraft while balancing costs and customer satisfaction. How are airlines adapting their maintenance philosophy to address the unique demands of older fleets? What are the challenges of operating and maintaining an older fleet? Are operators utilizing any new technology (i.e. predictive maintenance or AI) to effectively mitigate these challenges?

    Brian Douglas
    Head of Maintenance
    Nauru Airlines
    Capt. Roland Narciso
    SVP of Operations Group and Officer-In-Charge
    Philippine Airlines
    Rahul Shah
    SVP Strategic Growth, Business Development Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa
    Ryan Cauntay
    Head of Engineering
    Philippine Air Asia
    Shangari Meleschi
    VP of Aftermarket Operations- Asia Pacific and Turkiye
    Pratt & Whitney